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A Levels

MPW Birmingham offers a range of pathways for ambitious students looking to take their A levels with us.

Icon of 3 students sitting at desks

Small class sizes

Blue icon of two people taking to each other

One-to-one attention

Blue icon of a pen next to a check list

Examination practice

Blue icon of a football

Enrichment programme

Two year courses

Two-year courses are designed for students who are continuing at MPW after ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ; students from other schools seeking a specialist A level college after ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏs; year 13 transfer students who have changed plans after an unsatisfactory first year of A level at another school.

One year courses

One-year courses are designed for transfer students from other schools who continue into Year 13 or take one year intensive; retake students whose previous grade in the subject is too weak to risk a short course or a course involving only a limited selection of units; retake students taking a brand new subject; mature students – especially those converting to Medicine following an Arts-based first degree.

Retake Courses

  • One-year courses for students who have fallen substantially short of their target grades and who require thorough revision of multiple units.
  • Short retake courses, with start dates in January for students who have narrowly missed their target grades and/or require retakes of only a small number of selected units. These courses suit students wishing to pursue gap-year activities for part of the year.

"The best part about studying at MPW is the friendly, encouraging and supportive classroom environment that MPW provides. It makes asking for help and reaching your potential easy and enjoyable. The college really helps students to believe in themselves. The Personal Tutor system is great because it is available for you to use to whatever extent you might need whether that be having weekly meetings or meeting every now and then for a quick catch up to analyse my current progress. The weekly Timed Assignments have also enabled me to build my confidence in the build up to my exams. They help you to feel comfortable in an exam environment, as well as enable you to consolidate the material you need to recall in the final exams"


Grades achieved at MPW: AAA Progressed to: Leeds University (Dentistry)

"I chose MPW because of the academic support provided by the college, which was instrumental in helping me throughout the challenging nature of my one-year A level courses. The weekly Timed Assignments and assistance provided by the Personal Tutor system helped me in areas I had previously struggled. Playing for the college football team was a great release from the challenging academic nature of the year and it helped me build friendships with other students in the college"


Grades achieved at MPW: A*AA Progressed to: Exeter University (Business Management)

"Having not achieved the grades I wanted or needed in my A levels at my previous college I decided that retaking would be the best option for me. I have found the small classes at MPW to be a real asset, and that, coupled with the fantastic teaching, has certainly enabled me to grow academically. Further to this, both the academic support and the university guidance provided by the college have been exceptional."


Grades achieved at MPW: A*AB Progressed to: Exeter University (International Relations and History)